Living Whole E

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Just Wine About It

I love how some people have the most adorable childhood nicknames, that’s probably because mine suck! One of them was given to me by my mother….it’s Whimpy….my nickname to this Whimpy… I’m 22 years old, I pay bills!!! And my mother still calls me Whimpy…


If I am recalling correctly, the nickname comes from the fact that I used to whine instead of talk. I honestly don’t doubt that because I am still an avid tantrum thrower to this day. I also still whine about a lot of things, which is much more common than you think. You probably do it too!


“Why doesn’t this top fit the way I want it to?” “Why do I have to get up for work?!” “Why do I have to do laundry…ALL DAY, EVERYDAY?!”


Whining is 110% normal and even more than okay! We all have feelings as humans, we all have free will and intentions. Whining is just an emotional reaction to things that may not align with the intent of your free will. But for me, the scary part about whining is that it can quickly turn to self pity and then a stint of depression usually isn’t too far behind. In my mind, this is because whining usually means that your worrying. I know that I whine about the things that are out of my control. I whine when I’m late to work and everyone seems to be on a slow strolling sightseeing escapade. I whine when my bra slides up my back and creates an unnecessary extra roll of fat. I whine when I’m disappointed in myself. I also whine when I’m’s actually a cross between a whine and a squeal… it’s actually very annoying.


In addition to that, if all you do is whine, you’re probably not that happy with yourself and/or your circumstances. In order for me to continue to grow, be confident, and shine bright like a diamond, it is important that I’m more focused on the positive than the minute inconveniences of everyday life. So, I am trying something new to serve as a constructive outlet for my daily discrepancies...  I’m going to let myself whine about whatever I want at the end of each day and then let it go!


If you want to do it too, you’ll be needing three things: a bottle of wine, small sheets of paper, and a pen. The first part is the best part… drink the wine...all of it...probably not at once...unless you roll like that...then go for it...but I’m personally telling you not to drink it all at once by yourself...for legal reasons.

Once the bottle is empty is when the real fun starts. You now have a Wine About It Bottle!! At the end of each day write down all the things that made you want to whine, roll it up, and slide it into the bottle. That is it, that is all. Leave it there! When the bottle is full, break it open and burn those worries! I could offer a really symbolic reasoning for burning the notes but I won’t and will just say that it’s fun!


I personally have tried looking back over some of my whines and I realized that I needed to be a lot more positive. I used to fill up the bottle fairly quickly but now it takes a bit more time. This may not be the most effective option for all people. It works for me because I’m naturally very self reflective. If you’re the type that will beat yourself up for your genuine thoughts and feelings, just burn them and say bye bye. If this turns out to be something that’s helpful, get another bottle and start again!


Anyways, thanks for listening to the ramblings of a madwoman.

Blogger's Note: I HAD to incorporate wine into my blog because there's a pink moscato that I share a name with!!


Peace, Love, Soul, Emerithing and more,
