Big, Beautiful, Bubbly Dreams...
Y'all remember that one episode of Spongebob when Patrick and Spongebob were in the TV box playing with their imaginations?! My imagination runs that wild! I think as we grow older, our imagination begins to warp into the weary ways of the world. All that big, beautiful, brain power is syphoned in worrying about rent money, worry about how you look, etc. etc.
I used to write a lot more when I was younger, like all day, every day. I think I wrote the following poem when I was something like 8 or 9 years old.
I, too, Dream
I have a dream/ Like the second Martin Luther King/ It's time to let freedom ring/ He wanted everyone to join hands/ so we can all be friends/ Join together as one and blend/
I'm just one person trying to make a difference/ But still while in God's presence/ Martin Luther King Jr had to take a stand/ In order to stop all of the black bans/ If it weren't for his dream that was so divine/ I would not be able to live mine/
Blogger's Note: Y'all can square up with Lil' Em if you have any questions. I'm done worrying about the things that I'm supposed to do, and I'm just gonna do them!
I used to dream of a time where I had honor of living a life in color or single. I dreamt of a life where my style was on the level of Denise and Claire Huxtable. I'm feeling so blessed to know that those big, beautiful, bubbly dreams of mine could manifest a blessing beyond my wildest dreams!