Living Whole E

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Why I Won't Do Your Hair

I'm not trying to be funny or fake. Let's talk about this, your hair is your dead skin cells...YOUR HAIR IS YOUR DEAD SKIN CELLS! I take doing hair so seriously because it is a serious matter to me. I've been doing my own hair since my pre-teen years. Before then, my mom would slay my hair on a bi-weekly or monthly basis. I did my hair out of the religion of doing it until I got to high school.

At 14, I committed to the free tress shake-n-go wig life in order to transition my hair off of its relaxer cycle. By 18 my hair did a new thing, then abruised (I said, what I said) her with consistent sew-ins. So at 22, I cut all my hair off and tried again. I love my hair, I love what I've been through with my hair. With all that being said... I can count on one hand, how man people have laid hands on my hair.

Again, not being funny or fake, bad or boujee, just honest.. If hair is your dead skin cells, then it's an extension of who you are and where you've been. Yes, hair is also just hair, but to the person placing their hands in your head, it should be so much more than that. Hair is an extension of whatever unique individual client that you are working with, so no Sally, I won't put the same exact braids that were in her head, in yours. However, I will put a similar style into your head with that idea in mind. 

A little while back, I would just choke up when anyone asked me to do their hair or make-up. It could be my best friend or an acquaintance, I would still choke up and reluctantly agree. It wasn't until just recently that God allowed me to understand exactly what my prerogative was... I have to get to know you before I do your hair, or make-up...but it's not as deep or scary as I thought.

Let's really talk, have some consultations, and let me get to know you before I can adequately enhance the existing being. It's the same respect that I had to learn to show myself, I am not hiding myself under trends or tutorials anymore. I am loving on myself and learning how to manifest that love through how I adorn myself via hair and make-up. I want to do the same thing for you. I want to make you feel like the most beautiful Karen, the most handsome Jonathan, the most authentic and real YOU. You'll love it I promise, but let the days of walking into a salon with Kim Kardashian expectations cease.

God made you beautifully, just the way you are. I would love to assist in your journey of self-expression by doing your hair, doing your make-up, styling you, or whatever else. Just know that it's a spiritual thing for me, and if you don't know what it is to you, then I challenge you to find out. 

Peace, Love.
