Living Whole E

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A repost of out of respeck…

We all made fun of birdman for asking us to put some respeck on his name but truth is my man was just ahead of his time. 2018 is the year of putting some respeck on our names. I’m sick and tired of everybody thinking that there is only one truth of the matter. There are 5 kabillion life forms in this world and only the Lord knows how many in what ever universe this is...and every single one of them deserves respect!

But here is where we start to get carried away...we become overprotective of the respect that we feel that we deserve which is in essence an insecurity. And that insecurity can change an entire world. Respecting someone else, does not endanger your own self worth. The two should not be linked but we see instances of insecurities driving people to destructive behavior on a daily basis: with something as “small” as bullying. Bullying is nothing but an individual projecting an insecurity. It is a very harmful form of communication that exists in our everyday lives... so what else in our lives is rooted in insecurities?

if you get what I’m saying then know that now is the time to realize that just because I love myself doesn’t mean that I don’t love you just as much. I’m a human who feels just like you, my security sometimes  feel threatened at all times...some people call that generalized anxiety disorder...I call it the consequences of not being given the respect that I deserved as a human for most of my life... 

as a little black girl my support system was turned into a vortex of doom that shattered any form of self love budding in my youthful soul... as a black adolescent my body began to flourish and blossom in ways that I didn’t understand. The scent of my soon-to-be-flower lured in the busiest of bees for a suckle of my honey...the realization that I was still a bud allowed for premature devastation that I’m still seeing the side effects of as a strong Black woman..

But I’m not mad though...

because at the end of the day I understand the consequences of your insecurities were the circumstances, the fertilizer of you will, the photosynthesis that allowed me to garner the strength to conquer my own lack of security. So like Birdman said with his arms folded and lips in a pout, put some respect on my name cause I damn sure put some on yours.