Emeri Emeri

Heavy Weight


I’ve gained 20 in the front and another 20 in the back.

I’m not talking about my vision, but rather, how I’m stacked.

I’m a woman with shape. I float like a feather. I guide weight with grace.

I look so good that I make you want to embrace me and replace

the heavy weight that is on my shoulders.

You won’t stop until you’ve taken over

every burden that I have ever carried,

every doubt that I have ever buried.

You want to take the weight off

and make light of

My life.

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Emeri Emeri

Faith At Any Age

Stop looking to each other for guidance. Look to God. The gospel fact is that God exists in each of us, so rely on that.

At a very young age, I acknowledged the fact that I could bear a massive bounty of burdens with Christ. 

I think my faith in God brings out insecurities in others. I tend not to lean on man for support because man has hurt me time and time again. I have no malice towards man, for I understand that mortality is an imperfect being. In times of trial and tribulation, I look only to God for comfort because I know that it is He and He alone that can help to bring me through....

But it doesn’t work the other way around for some strange reason. No matter how many times I try to make this love a requited one, it just doesn’t equate that way in the end. Others confide in me in hard times, and I fully accept the responsibility of helping to usher them through the darkness…

and yet, my only option is to lean on the everlasting arms of the Lord. 


1 John

See the light 

Be the light

Free the light

God of comfort,

God of love,

Guide me from your light above

You care for me as if I were thine own and promised never to leave me alone.

Love me,

guide me,

and vow that you will never lie to me.

Hide me, 

provide for me, 

and say that you will never get tired of me.

By now, I hope that you know that nothing is impossible.

Even when it looks like there is no way out, there is always a way up.

So keep that chin up,

Baby girl.

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Emeri Emeri

Love Lyft’d Me | A Piece of Who's Peace?

Adventures from the back seat

Context Clues:

Love Lyft’d Me is a series dedicated to the souls that I encounter during my life of ride sharing. Thank you for the memories.

Your lessons are learned, my loves.

Love will always be my driver, my guide.

Lady or Sir will be along for the ride.

Not mine...that's for sure. I'm coming in clutch with the click bait titles...


Hennyways have I mentioned that I'm a Christian yet? And to further frame your mind, I am studying to be a minister of the good word; Gospel facts.

With that being said, my Lyft Shared ride home the other night was amazing!

Love picked me up and asked “Where are you coming from?"

"Well, Bible study...but then I hang out with my friends afterward." I replied.

As we were pulling onto 90/94, a new rider was added.

Love then warned me that we were picking up a new rider in poppin’ area... or not so poppin’ if you're a Lyft driver.

We pick up a bright bubbly young lady who is a bartender... and that's where the real fun began!

I believe that love mentioned something about clingy people, and lady said something like...

"That literally just happened to me! I went on two dates with this guy that I met on Tinder and then he wanted to give me a key to his place and marry me"...

Fam! Then Lady starts talking the most real shit in the world and it was amazing!


She legit was minding her business and venting about her sexual encounters, yet considering that I mentioned Bible study to Love, it created quite an intriguing atmosphere.

I could feel Love cringing from the from the backseat as Lady and I engaged in conversation. I could feel the assumptions roaming through Love’s mind as the f bomb is casually being dropped in conversation…


Lady and I continued to talk the entire way to her destination. Lady was spitting mad facts the entire time.

For the record: I believe that there are lessons to be learned in every situation. With that being said, as a 23 year-old, fine piece of milk-chocolate that currently belongs to no one other than my Lord and savior, Jesus Christ... YES there were some things for to me to learn in Lady and I’s conversation (LOL).


The icing on the cake was being able to help debrief Love from the experience after Lady made it to her destination. Initially, Love was shook to the core. To help, Love and I had a looonnng talk. We went back and forth about what just happened AND how it wasn't bad. It was honestly just uncomfortable.

Reminder: Being uncomfortable is more than okay it is a necessary sensation of growth.

As we were talking (believe it or not), things became less uncomfortable. I basically let Love know that yes, I do love the Lord, but I'm a human sooooo I can talk about human things. 


Long story short, Taboo conversation will never rob me of my peace in any way shape or form. I love conversation too much to let all that negativity into the space.

Peace and Love,



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Emeri Emeri

A Post It Note

I write every single day but I forget to post it. 

I suppose that I ought to get some post-its.

Or I could find the courage to post it in the first place...

Damn, I wish that I would have said it to your face.

Blogger’s Note: Seriously Em.

Peace and Love;


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