The Fam Bam: Sunny
I’m an introvert by nature, but even with my hermit crab tendencies, I have been blessed enough to come to know a very eclectic group of individuals that I am proud to call my friends. I would like to dedicate a series on my blog to these dope individuals....Yo friends, this is for y'all! I love each and everyone of you!
I’m going to kick off My Fierce, Fantastic, and Fabulous Friends with one of my very best friends… Melody Kai!
I met Mel just about two years ago. I remember the first time that I referred to her as my best friend, she stopped everything and made sure that we acknowledged what just happened. In fact, I think it was her boyfriend at the time who initiated the conversation by alluding to the fact that we were best friends. It was a very dramatic moment that was fitting for a very dramatic duo! Apparently, she knew from the jump that I was going to be her best friend. In fact, she claims to have made extra sure that we became best friends. I’m glad she did!
Side Note: My best friend of 8 years and basically sister also was very persistent at the beginning of our friendship. So once Mel explained that she was intent on being my best friend, I figured it would stick.
Mel is a performer! She sings, dances, and acts! We have that in common. However, it is important to note that Mel can do one of those things WAAAYY better than me, which is singing! Her performance career has proven to be a central factor in our friendship. When Mel has a show, her friends are generally close by, that’s just how we roll. Considering that she is an amazing performer, it’s never a pain or problem to attend.
Her goal is to one day be the “better Beyonce”. Anyone who truly loves Beyonce and is a performer will admit that she can’t dance. Beyonce has an amazing voice and beautiful range but she needs hard and heavy beats in order to execute choreography. Mel isn’t like that at all. She is classically trained in both dance and vocal performance. She could easily prove to come for Beyonce’s throne and y’all better be ready! Glue down your lace front wigs and tie down your edges people! Mark my words, she’s coming for everyone’s lives!
Bloggers Note: Hey Mel! I’m proud of you! Keep working your butt off! You’re gonna do big things! How can you not, with that big beautiful heart of yours?! Love you to bits and pieces!
Peace, Love, Soul, Emerithing and more…