The Importance of Unplugging.
I’m learning to live my life Wholly.
Back in July of 2018, I was so done with social interaction that I decided to take a deep look at my social media usage.
I wasn’t upset or unpleased with myself, as much as I was upset and unpleased with how much I was GIVING of myself.
It felt like there was a slow yet constant leak. That almost indescribable feeling ignited a determination to understand why I felt that way.
I started by mustering up the courage to cut it off! (Like a useless limb)
I thought to myself:
“NO MORE SOCIAL MEDIA! I am going dark.”
Please, try not to judge me. I tried to cleanse myself of social media before but simply deleting the apps off my phone just left me longing for crackhead style solutions.
By this time, I needed to remove myself from that space, entirely and sincerely, in order to better understand exactly why I was so displeased.
This time, in the height of my emotion, quitting cold turkey seemed like the best option...for me!
Side bar: For the first time in my life, I made a decision out of myself, solely for myself. I made a decision simply because what was inside of me told me to. I neither checked in with anyone else, nor considered anyone else... just me, just FOR me.
Once I was officially socially offline, I could finally check in, whole(e): pronounced as holy.
That’s where this story starts... at the bottom of this specific black hole...
Who would’ve thought that’s where I’d be shown my calling to live whole?