The cure to seeing the glass as half empty.
Light is a more than a visible spectrum.
I wrote this in 2019… currently, I am “spoken for” HAHA I despise that phrase. Women can speak for themselves.
Lisa Frank has BEEN that girl, is STILL that girl, and WILL ALWAYS be THAT GIRL!
Some medicinal words for my fellow creators…
and now, there’s me!
“…a primary biogeographical division of the earth's surface.”
We have always been here…
Green means go… there she goes!
Honestly, this is too logical not to make sense.
Miss I N D E P E N D E N T…
Mastery of quantum mechanisms…
I remain aware of who I am. Who are you?
Exploring your own inner world is truly one of life’s most fun adventures!
God is intentional. So what is coincidence?
I suppose I’m writing a story now…
Why is that one male organ called an "Adam's apple"?
I am aware that we are accustomed to immediate gratification. I have chosen to take the scenic route.
A gem from 2020.