
Poetry is a skill. I'm coming for the Pulitzer Prize. The Nobel Peace Price is also pending.

This is not a Mirror.

I am pretty sure that I wrote the original version of this poem when I was 14 years old. I've always been a little ahead of my time. I also have an old soul...that sounds contradictory... but it isn't because I exist.

A part.

I wonder what would happen if all of humanity had the time and space to recognize their own existence? In my dreams, there are 10 seconds that will change our reality.

Define: Ammunition

I do not speak with subtext. I say what I mean and I mean what I say. I wish that more people were considerate of their words.

Living Whole(E)

Here is a little bit about me and this space. Whole time, the blog name is a quadruple entendre because it is also a nod to my hometown of Chicago.


So... a bunch of stories were told by mouth for generations... and then there was that portion of time when we were burning books... translation is a thing... and so is comprehension. We have already accepted the possibility that the snake imagery of Medusa's hair was a misconstruing of locs. Soooo is it crazy to think that her whole story was lost to time?

About Sodom and Gomorrah...

How did we make genderless, glowing, golden divine creatures into a depiction of "homosexual immorality"?! They aren't even the main characters of the story! The PEOPLE misunderstood the ANGELS as MEN!!!! The story is about fear and what happens when you become consumed by that emotion.


Short, sweet, and to the point. I wrote this in June 2023. Madame Vice President is already quite inspiring thus far.


I've got the recipe and the ingredients... I guess I have to make it... and then share it. GEEZ!