Emeri Emeri

Songs for the Soul

Some songs that sooth my soul are as follows...

A playlist featuring Masego, *NSYNC, Whitney Houston, and others

steps emeri.jpg
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Emeri Emeri

What's that Glow?

Y'all! highlight has been a fixation of the beauty industry for quite some time. Before it was a wet metallic glow, we were highlighting and contouring, and before that, the shade ranges available within the industry could be referred to as the high of light.

Instagram @donysfotos

Instagram @donysfotos

Whether we are talking about a youthful glow, a pregnant glow, or a glow of perspiration... glowing is definitely deemed as a universally pretty good thing.

AND THEN, we have the nerve to have a term like "Glow up" floating around in our vocabulary...

I was curious as to where the term originated...so I'm beginning to learn more about it. I think that right now, I can confidently say that I am somewhere in the middle of a little glow up situation. 

It's kinda like the Israelites running away from their oppression into the desert towards the Promise Land...and by kinda, I mean A LOT like.

(That's why I love the Bible, plenty of Gospel facts that prove something about human nature, history does in fact repeat itself.)

A while back, I wrote a piece about how happy I was in that specific space and time. Here's the gag, everything that I had then, was flipped on its head, but I'm so filled with joy that nothing else matters. It's like I finally realized that there was a fault line running through the middle of my foundation and instead of continuing to build on a crooked foundation, I just decided to try again.

Blogger's Note: I just told on my self a little bit there. I exposed a very fundamental truth about myself. I can be very extreme, all or nothing, hot or cold. In my big beautiful head, that attributes greatly to the fact that I am more inclined to start over than I am to continue with anything that I deem subpar. That's why it can be so hard for me to finish things. AWAY WITH THE PERFECTIONISM!!


Instagram @donysfotos

Instagram @donysfotos

...but I will tell you what I'm not losing, my mind. HALLELUJAH! Seriously though, I lost my job, I lost my hair to traction alopecia, I lost my eyebrows, eyelashes, I lost my home, I lost bae...I lost weight...I lost family...I lost friends...I lost myself...but those are all more Gospel facts... and I learnted that from my friend Job *in my Chicago accent*.  EEOOW!

Once I acknowledged that I was kinda pressed that I was losing shit, God helped me to realize that I wasn't losing things, I was loosing them. (And loosing, makes room for more). That's really the only thing that's changed fam... *Kanye Shrug*

I'm literally glowing by the grace and mercy of the Lord. Shit is still tough, the struggle is still MAD real... BUT GOD! That's why I can say that I'm midway through the glow up. Y'all may be wondering what's my workout plan or which essential oils I put in my diffuser...Fam, I'm just trying ordering my steps in His word. I will surely share as much as I can, but my journey ain't yours and yours ain't mine. If you looking for help, look to the big man upstairs... if I am supposed to have anything to do with it, He will send us each other's way. Until then...

Peace, Love.


Instagram @donysfotos

Instagram @donysfotos

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Emeri Emeri

Big, Beautiful, Bubbly Dreams...

Y'all remember that one episode of Spongebob when Patrick and Spongebob were in the TV box playing with their imaginations?! My imagination runs that wild! I think as we grow older, our imagination begins to warp into the weary ways of the world. All that big, beautiful, brain power is syphoned in worrying about rent money, worry about how you look, etc. etc. 

I used to write a lot more when I was younger, like all day, every day. I think I wrote the following poem when I was something like 8 or 9 years old.


I, too, Dream

I have a dream/ Like the second Martin Luther King/ It's time to let freedom ring/ He wanted everyone to join hands/ so we can all be friends/ Join together as one and blend/ 

I'm just one person trying to make a difference/ But still while in God's presence/ Martin Luther King Jr had to take a stand/ In order to stop all of the black bans/ If it weren't for his dream that was so divine/ I would not be able to live mine/

Blogger's Note: Y'all can square up with Lil' Em if you have any questions. I'm done worrying about the things that I'm supposed to do, and I'm just gonna do them! 

I used to dream of a time where I had honor of living a life in color or single. I dreamt of a life where my style was on the level of Denise and Claire Huxtable. I'm feeling so blessed to know that those big, beautiful, bubbly dreams of mine could manifest a blessing beyond my wildest dreams!

Psalms 94:19

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