Pet Peeves
Fam, what is a pet peeve?
A pet peeve is the thing that we dislike the most about ourselves.
Pet peeves are what we dislike most about our self.
Check yourself at the door. If it moves you, that was the Holy spirit.
So listen. If you’re taking the time out of your space, to enter mine then do it.
I probably need to hear it… and so do you. So; do you, boo.
Peace and Love,
The Color Theory: Introduction
Hey, my name is Em and...
I'm a colorful person.
For about 23 years now, I’ve been rehearsing for this thing called life. This big beautiful lyrical triumph that I’m writing right now, is the first expression of the Color Theory.
I’ve loved people watching since I was literally in the womb. As I began to enter this world, I literally fell into a Day dream of all the magnificent adventures to come. Only after waking to embark on this journey did I realize that there’s a name... or several names to what I do/who I am.
You can call me a minister, a journalist, a reporter, a writer, a behavioral analyst, a teacher, or just plain old Em... all I know is that I’ve always loved to express myself via color, and I am sure that most other people can relate to that.
I mean just think about it, as a society we assign so much value to color: whether in gender assignment, or in personal or business branding; or when we are coloring in a coloring book, or picking the colors for your wedding... we all know that colors mean something.
God has always told us to listen closely, so I am doing that here with...
The Color Theory.
I am exploring colors and their various meanings...
I will express my findings here on my blog for a while.
To research and analyze
to convey my findings in a creative light.
(like poetry, dance, spoken word, sound design, cinematography, etc.).
I suppose you’d call this a formal introduction to a new journey. For the past year now, I have just posted what I felt on my blog without giving you, the reader, clear insight into my overall vision...I’m changing that as of now.
If you want to go in this journey with me, start by answering one question in the comment section down below...
What is your favorite color?
Blogger’s Note: As a reader, I think it’s also super important to note that I am never speaking at you from the third person, I am always speaking inclusively. I’m in this with y’all or else I wouldn’t be writing this in the first place Lawlz
The Dangers of Displaced Joy
Listen to the bylaws of this holy temple.
Honor His great and divine word.
Be a witness to His holiness.
And His mercy shall endure.
Joy: a feeling of great pleasure and happiness. (A Gift From God, that comes from hope in God.)
I am trying not to be so conscious that I become self conscious.
There is a constant battle between my head and my heart. It’s the life long tension, the civil war suspension, the Cold War of my very existence.
Mind over matter, Matter over mind, I’m in my body but I’m having an out of body experience.
In which residence, do I reside?
In the metaphoric mind palace called Holmes? Or in this deep dark melaninated tone?
Do I find solace in my despair?
Is my every action, only a reaction?
Do I hide away in my tree house, my home?
Do I look away knowing that one day I must still atone?
Listen to the bylaws of this holy temple.
Honor His great and divine word.
Be a witness to His holiness.
And His mercy shall endure.
The Lord is my light, and my salvation, whom shall I fear?
My curves entered a covenant of celibacy to undo the coercion of each cryptic caress.
I am an imperfect piece of a divine jigsaw puzzle. All of my curves, crevices, and craters cater to the specific mold created for me.
I am fighting the urge to feel bad because I have PTSD. I have a disorder that means that my body tends to have grave reactions to past traumas. In essence, I am aware of the fact that my physical body has been through a few things, and that causes a unique set of indicators that my body uses to signal to my brain that something is going on: symptoms.
My debts have been paid.
My soul has been saved.
The Lord is the strength of my life, of whom shall I be afraid?
My mind is manifesting motion so full of devotion that it magnifies the most marvelous and majestic of Messiahs
I will not be scared straight. I will not worry myself into weariness. I will not damn myself with doubt. And I will not shun myself with shame.
I am fighting the urge to think of myself as any less than royalty. The request of my life thus far has been, LORD! help me so that I may help someone else... I’m just now understanding that coming to God on my own behalf is more than in ordinance.