A part.

A whole heart is a part.

We are whole apart.

Only God can put parts together to create a heart.

It can happen or you can go through

You can understand or be brought to

Either or, neither nor

You will come to the side of the seashore and be sure

That you take the time to listen

Do not be consumed by the glisten

Take a breath and take a step

Do not hesitate, for your are kept 

here by being a part of this all.

It doesn’t matter where you are, it doesn’t matter who you are.

You can look for alignment in the Son, moon, and the stars.

Be prayerful and patient everyday.

He will soothe evil away.

The only part that is your job is to live in love each and every day.

A whole heart is a part.

We are whole apart.

Only God can put parts together to create a heart.


This is not a Mirror.


Remaining in Depression is Oppression