This is not a Mirror.

This is not a mirror

Society and social media are not mirrors.

We should not look to the world to help us mold ourselves.

A young Black girl should not assume her place in the world by the lyrics of a fool that can rhyme.

Young Black boys should not be seen as enough solely through the means of games and fame.

This is a deceptive picture of oppression that is conveyed to the gullible minds of the world as a mirror.

However, this is not a mirror.

A mirror is a reflective surface. The surface only reflects what the viewer sees.

So why do we look to the world as a mirror?

I am not you and you are not me.

So why do so many strive to be like celebrities?

I will never be you. I can only be me.

I am not your mirror. This face is not a mirror.

I will never see myself as you see me so why not accept me for all of my unseen beauty. I can only see myself through a mirror.

This mirror is not a pair of eyes.

Even eyes can be deceitful. Eyes can be played by the mind.

If the mind is full of THE world and not YOUR world, then your eyes are not a true mirror.

If even your eyes can be distorted, then it is simple for a surface that may succumb to perception..

So then, what is a mirror? 


Define: Ego


A part.